
HARVEST DATES 2024: July 29, Sept 16, Oct 14
Cutting Instructions
Picture Credit: BeefItswhatsforDinner.com
Basic Processing Information
Who and Where
Colorado Custom Meat Company (formerly Steving Meats) in Kersey, CO processes all the beef for Meadow Maid Foods, llc. This is a small, locally owned and operated, USDA-inspected processing facility.
All processing - from slaughter, to dry-aging, to cutting, wrapping, and freezing - are under the full control of Colorado Custom Meat Company and the USDA.
This is an artisan process, not a manufactured product. Variance in animals, differences in cutting styles, and other factors affect the final packaged product. You should expect some variability between your request and your received cuts.
All Beef is dry-aged for approximately 14 days prior to cutting.
You will pick up your beef share at Colorado Custom Meat Company when it is ready, which will be 2 weeks following harvest date.
What is included in a 1/4, 1/2 or Whole Beef?
1/4 Beef: Choose one of the two Standard Cutting Options, below.
1/2 and Whole Beef: Choose a Standard Cutting Option, or customize the processing. The quantities given in our standard options are approximate for a 1/4 beef, so double these quantities for a 1/2 beef, or quadruple for a whole beef. Ground beef patties and sausages incur special processing charges.
Offal is always optional: heart, liver, tongue, oxtail, and bones - marrow and knuckle bones.
(1/4 and 1/2 beef orders, Please note: You are sharing offal from a single animal with 1 to 3 other people, so you may not receive every offal option that you request, but we will try to distribute requests as fairly as possible.)
Standard Cutting Options
OPTION #1: The Versatile Chef
(Biggest Variety of Cuts)
Quantities are Approximate for a 1/4 Beef
Tenderloin Steaks: 1 1/2 inch thick, 2 per package. (about 4 steaks)
New York Strip Steaks: 1” thick, 2 per package. (about 6 steaks)
Ribeye Steaks: 1” thick, 2 per package. (4-5 steaks)
Sirloin: 1” thick, 1-2 steaks per package. (2-3 steaks)
Flank: 1 steak. (0.75-1 pound)
Skirt: 1 steak. (0.75-1 pound)
Sirloin Tip: one 3-pound roast.
Chuck: 3-pound roasts, bone-in. (2-3 roasts)
Arm: 3-pound roasts, bone-in. (2 roasts)
Brisket: 1/2 of the brisket as a roast.
Top Round: 1” thick steaks. (about 4)
Eye of Round: half of the eye, about 1.5-2 pounds.
Bottom Round: cut and packaged as stew meat.
Rump Roast: 1 roast.
Tri-tip: 1 steak.
Short Ribs: 2 packages, bone-in.
Shank Cut Soup Bones: 2 packages, bone-in.
Lean Ground Beef: 1-lb. packages, about 30-35% of meat. (We request 90-95% lean)
OPTION #2: Keep it Simple
(The Best Steaks, Some Roasts, More Burger than Option #1)
Quantities are Approximate for a 1/4 Beef
This option is optimized for folks who want a lot of ground beef, plus the premium steaks, a few roasts, and some top round to use for stew, stir-fries, and braising recipes.
Cuts that seem to be missing (such as ribs, shank, some of the roasts, etc.) will be added to your ground beef, so the amount of ground beef will be much higher in this option than in Option #1.
Tenderloin Steaks: 1 1/2 inch thick, 2 per package. (about 4 steaks)
New York Strip Steaks: 1” thick, 2 per package. (about 6 steaks)
Ribeye Steaks: 1” thick, 2 per package. (4-5 steaks)
Sirloin: 1” thick, 1 steak per package. (2-3 steaks)
Skirt: 1 steak. (0.75-1 pound)
Sirloin Tip: one 3-pound roast.
Chuck: 3-pound roasts, bone-in (2-3 roasts).
Brisket: 1/2 of the brisket as a roast.
Top Round: 1” thick steaks (about 4).
Lean Ground Beef: 1-lb. packages. 50-60% of meat. (We request 90-95% lean)